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Blue Marlin: Updated Avril, 2 2023 |
For Windows, Android and Linux, NO MACOS!
Changelog: Blue Marlin 15.7.
This is most probably the last Blue Marlin release ever as the author expressed his will to not continue with this engine but Swordfish only. For Android there is an APK installer - like I did with Stockfish Polyglot - to satisfy the modern Android interfaces needings.
Blue Marlin is a Stockfish-derivative chess engine created by "dorsz" that is focused on king attack and sacrifices. This engine has two book slots in which you can load any .bin book you need. The praxis is the same of other engines using this extension: entering the complete book path (in example C:\books\Goi.bin for Windows, /storage/emulated/0/Goi.bin for Android). If you write only the book name in the configuration it won't be used.
- Windows
- Android
- Linux
Windows compiles with MSYS2, Android compiles with GCC on Termux and then packed with Android Studio, Linux compiles with GCC on Linux Debian.
It would be very nice if you avoid to put direct links to the cloud on your forums but a link to this page instead.