Sedat Canbaz

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Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

BuBs wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:52 pm A pleasent surprise to be number 2 and a kick in the pants off 1st happy days. seems you are very good too!

And why not? e.g with a better/stronger update,
Your newer book version may be next Champion!

Actually even 2nd rank to be under these very hard
Cond. is GREAT! since no any author can check, test,
Train vs my current constant opening books etc.

Anyhow the most important is FUN,
Rest it does not matter much ..
Even to be as not shame!

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Dear Chess Friends,

As usually, I'm very pleased to announce that
Another Odd Time Control matches started:
NON-NN Slow TC 2008 Vs NN Bullet TC 2024

Rybka 3 (45m+10s) vs SF-PB 150724 (30s+06s)
Note: Duel is planning to consist 4 games

AMD Ryzen 7 4800H, CuteChess, PONDER OFF, 1 Core, No Book, 4-MEN

More Details:
Rybka 3 is playing with 45min+10sec,
Where SF-PB 150724 with 30sec+0.6sec
Rybka: 1024 MB hash / SF-PB: 64 Hash

If you are going to ask my opinion,
Very likely SF-PB engine will win...
At least will be dominant with Whites..

Be aware too, according to various Ratings,
Theirs Elo difference is about 700-800 Elo
Rybka 3 is released on 2008 (16 years ago)
Where SF-PB is released on 2024 (13 days ago)

But anyhow, I think that it's worth to give a try...
I wonder much.. e.g in reality, NNUE Fast Bullet TC
Can be counted as Slow TC, as in past of course?
Sure without's as mystery, right ?)

On other hand, if nothing else,
At least we will have more data about 2008 vs 2024
Sure under running via Odd Time Control Conditions:
NNUE Fast Bullet (30s+06s) vs NON-NN Slow TC (45m+10s)

Some think running NNUE, 1 Core, Bullet is waste of time
Low depth values e.g up to 20 )) poor games etc and etc..
What I can say more, very likely they live in the past..))
But we are in 2024...besides I suggest them to pay attention
To my all organized Duel matches so far! Who knows? May be
They'll change theirs minds..sure not much..but I expect..!)

Ok friends.. that's all for now, and please stay tuned,
After the Duel... I hope to share the played results..

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Yes, the Duel is completed...
SF-PB wins even with fast Bullet TC over Slow TC 45m+10s!

And as we noticed,
SF-PB's 2024 Bullet NN games can be counted much stronger than 45m+10s 2008 games!
Who knows ?) maybe current NN Bullet games are on level as Correspondence games ?)
Sure I refer about the played games in the past..because nowadays NN consist superior
Strong positions that may be taken even from Correspondence played games too?!

And here are the DUEL results, where SF-PB won all 4 games:

Code: Select all

1   SF-PB 150724   1111   4.0/4
2   Rybka 3       0000    0.0/4
GAMES: ... UaKZ5Inxz4

And as next try,
I'm going to switch 2024 vs 2015, where as players will be
SF-CTG 150724 (30sec+0.6sec) vs Komodo 9 (45min+10sec)

Note: According to all chess engine ratings,
They are not played each other..but in my guess,
Theirs Elo difference is expecting 400+ Elo

And interesting to note also that
Komodo 9 (2015) is close as twice (400+ Elo) stronger than Rybka (2008)
Plus SF-CTG 150724 is about 400+ Elo stronger than Komodo 9 (2015)

Anyhow, let's see there will be any influence if 400+ Elo diff. sure I mean
For the planning match NN (30s+06s) 2024 vs NON-NN (45m+10s) 2015
And frankly this time, I have really no much idea..what will be the results...
But all this mystery will be solved soon as possible... !)

And meanwhile,
I hope also that you like my new Duel ideas... ?)

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

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The Duel 2015 (45m+10s) vs 2024 (30s+06s) completed too..

All 4 games are favor for SF-CTG NN (30s+06s) 2024!

Code: Select all

1   SF-CTG 30s+06s    1111   4.0/4
2   Komodo9 45m+10s  0000    0.0/4
GAMES: ... sUrk81Q0GA

As FINAL conclusion,
Now is already clear that NNUE BULLET is not so bad !'!
Plus we've more data about Bullet NN strength of 2024
Is much stronger than NON-NN engines of 2015 year !
Moreover... Komodo 9 is played with Slow TC: 45m+10s
Where SF-CTG 150724 played with Bullet TC: 30s+06s

And which opponent should be as next ?)
Perhaps it is time to come on scene the famous:
Cfish 030820 NON-NN (9-times) Champion ?)

We will see..very soon for sure...I hope to run it:
Cfish NON-NNUE 45m+10s vs SF-CTG NNUE 30s+06s

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Duel NON-NN 2020 vs NN 2024 is ended too,
Where latest all 4 games are ended as DRAW

Sure this time,
SF-CTG 30s+06s opponent was Cfish 030820 45m+10s
I mean much stronger than previous Duel's players..

And what we noticed via latest strength testings too? e.g
Bullet NN (30s+06s) is unbeatable...super strong for sure!
Otherwise, Cfish 030820 + Slow TC 45m+10s would win, right?

In other words, in same time that means:
Fast Bullet NN 2024 games can be counted in strength,
In quality much better/stronger than Slow TC of the past,
Or close in strength to NON-NNUE 2020, but with Slow TC!

Code: Select all

1   SF-CTG 30s+06s   ½½½½   2.0/4  4.00
2   Cfish 45m+10s   ½½½½    2.0/4  4.00
Conditions (for all Duels):
AMD Ryzen 7 4800H, CuteChess, PONDER OFF, 1 Core, No Book, 4-MEN
NON-NNUE (45m+10s) used 1024 MB hash / NNUE (30s+06s) 64 MB Hash

GAMES: ... OdNsjio9As

And I hope also that,
The latest new strength testings to be useful for our chess community...
Especially when we consider about the quality of Bullet NN games 2024!

And it's time to say also,
GOOD-BYE to critics..who dislike Bullet NN games )

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (30.07.2024):
Via latest update: 13 entries.. a fatal number ) and many of them CTG format!
But M.14 is BIN book, CTG one is out..due to suffers..(reason no Green lines)
And interesting to note also that some oldies are still doing not so so bad...e.g
Only a few of them are Stars 18-20, Noomen, Ranomi, Various etc. but I admit
Even after so many entries, OPTIMUS book is still on 1st rank, like it's welded,
Apparently he is very happy with his position! Sure sooner or later, we may see
Other Leading book..and I wonder really... who will manage to be next 'hero' ?)

For Latest Standings: ... t-bn-cs-33

More Details (in case of interest to submit a CTG book):
If you are going to create a new CTG book, 'Only Green' is recommended..e.g
The tuned ones only via method 'Learn from Database' suffer ... not all, but ..
That's why I suggest special tuning: activate the best moves in green color!

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Another new exiting Duel is organized, where
This time, both players NON-NN: 2015 vs 2020
Komodo 9 (45m+10s) vs Cfish 030820 (30s+06s)

Yes...via latest Duel, we noticed also that
Fast Bullet 2020 is dominant over Slow 2015:

Code: Select all

1   Cfish 30s+06s   1½½1    3.0/4
2   Komodo 45m+10s  0½½0    1.0/4

Note: Normally theirs diff. is about 250-300 Elo

For more 'Past vs Present' Duels: ... vs-present

As final words, let Me say also please:

If you don't know the past, learn from it, if not:
You are a pawn that unaware it's a piece of chess.
Moreover, the present is a gift, just enjoy it...
Most important, face your future with no fear!

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »



Well, just another great, exiting DUEL is coming:
CM9000 Gladiator (45m+10s) vs Rybka 3 (30s+0.6s)
In short, The Duel of Titans: 2002 vs 2008

Some Notes:
Chessmaster 9000 is released in 2002 (22 years ago) and
It is one of the most popular chess programs on this planet!
And will play via Gladiator settings, created by Me in past,
Same words are going for Rybka, best of the best in past..!.
As I stated earlier, Rybka 3 is released in 2008 (16 years ago) past, both my favorite engines were as real beast!
Let's see what will be the situation under these new cond.
Note: theirs Elo diff. should be 300 - 400 Elo, but anyhow
No any idea who will win...really hard tıo guess.. after all
Time will tell...good luck to both players.. !)

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


This time no Winner... both Titans performed with equal points!
In the end 'The Gladiator' is here ) not easy opponent for sure !)
You know, and as I mentioned before: I never play for 2nd place!
Just joking ..) but in old times, CM9 Gladiator was not soft touch..
And all of current 4 (four) wins are came only with Whites colors:

Code: Select all

1   CM9 Gladiator 45m+10s  1010   2.0/4  
1   Rybka3 30s+0.6s        0101   2.0/4  
GAMES: ... Za9EYM_wlU

Note also that
Normally theirs difference should be about 300-400 Elo,
Be aware too, both engines are played without any book
And both players are used same hash table size: 64 MB

More Details,
These kind of matches are remembered the old good times,
Something like watching favorite movies, which never die !)
Sure it's also clear that the old-dated eng of past are much
More potential to play often blunders, e.g Rybka confirms at
Fast Bullet but I can't say same words for latest Top engines!
For anyone missed, you can check / compare other: Results
Besides, you can check other tour: In The Name of Gladiator

As alternative, tour's other page: ... st-vs-past

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