Sedat Canbaz

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Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Hello Chess Friends,

As usually, I am very pleased to announce that,
I managed to organize the planning, exciting Duel..

The Winner is Esculapio - Congrats to Angel Morano!
Congratulations to DON 's author (Vasid Chouhan) too!

For More Details, Games, Standings: ... -esculapio

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Hello there again)

Meanwhile, I am very pleased to announce also that
Another exiting Duel - MP Ponder ON match is started:
Pampa 3 vs Triple-Brains

Some Notes,
This time as players are used the Winners of XXXI's Leagues!
And frankly,
Nowadays Angel Morano's books are frequent Duel players..
But this is not as double standard...and what I can do?
If his Top books are managing often to be Number One?

But remember too,
I never play for 2nd place too !) just joking...) but in the past,
Up to 2009, you may target was to be not 2nd...
And I can not remember to be 2nd.. at least on PlayChess...!
A note: even on those times my hardware was not fastest...
Sure nowadays we have greater younger talents..who are
Better than know, you can't stay as best forever..

Ok chess friends.. and let's back to our ongoing Duel match:

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   0 Pampa 3                        -8      32      84   48.8%   81.0% 
   1 Optimus                        32      37      44   54.5%   86.4% 
   2 HCanFree 2404                 -17      54      40   47.5%   75.0% 

84 of 200 games finished.
Note: All books as without NN assistance again (via Cfish 030820):

GOOD LUCK to all of us )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Btw, just I'd like to point out also that,
Without using NN assistance, reminds my other GREAT hobby:
Racing Pigeons, yes...they are oriented and return to their
Home (lofts) over measured distances...and during the races,
The best pigeons return at the highest speed...for examples,
If the birds are well-trained, many are successful from long
Distances (sure if weather cond. etc are good) but in case of
Short distances...then it's hard to determine, which is best,
Since they fly in group (e.g they return all together) but if the
Birds are not well-trained, then the situation is changing... and
Most thoroughbred pigeons are more potential to find their home,
But then the loss is BIG, especially if the race is in mountain areas,
Sure main influences are predators on one side, hunters on other,
But however, as final words,
The racing pigeons are very very smart...even in most difficult
Conditions, many of them can survive and return to their homes!

In other words,
Our tests as without NNUE assistance is something like:
Releasing the racing pigeons as without well-trained..!
And as I stated earlier: via HUGE assistance such as:
Slower TC, MP, BIG + Strong Evalfiles in size etc. then
The players have more chances to gain higher points!
In same time even weak books have BIG chances to gain..
But most important is that What about with less help..?
I mean such as without NN assistance..then the strongest
Opening books are performing better, with higher points!

Ok friends, right now I will start working on my chess site
And soon as possible I hope to publish the results, games of
Pampa 3 vs TripleBrain

And please stay tuned...
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


The Duel of Battle of Wolves is completed:

The Winner is TripleBrain - Congrats to H.Can, Roger...sure
If I played again some, serious influence then how happy I'm...
Actually it seems so...e.g without Optimus, Pampa would win..
Anyhow just for fun.. Congratulations to Angel Morano as well

Code: Select all

1   TripleBrain  +26/-20/=154 51.50%  103.0/200
2   Pampa 3      +20/-26/=154 48.50%   97.0/200

Individual Stats:

Pampa 3 - Optimus   46.5 - 53.5  +4/-11/=85 46.50%
Pampa 3 - HCanFree  50.5 - 49.5 +16/-15/=69 50.50%
For More Details, Games etc: ... riplebrain

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

And meanwhile,
Just one more exiting DUEL is coming:
Esculapio Vs TripleBrain

In short,
The Winners of latest Duels/Champions will fight each other.!!
And it will be played again under hardest conditions (NON-NN)

Otherwise, I think that
Not running this DUEL..there will be BIG miss, right ?)

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Here are the LIVE standings (after 45 out of 200 games:):
And far the results are equal, Btw, just in
Case of equal points after 200 games.. then there will be
Tie-break matches, e.g extra 20 games and so on...

Code: Select all

Rank Name                        Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   0 Esculapio                     0      43      45   50.0%   82.2% 
   1 HCanFree 2404                17      73      21   52.4%   76.2% 
   2 Optimus                     -14      49      24   47.9%   87.5% 

45 of 200 games finished.
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


The Duel is competed...
And the Winner of current GRAND 3 Duel Match: Esculapio!!
Congratulations to Angel Morano! really great performance!!
Sure Congratulations to TripleBrain's books authors as well )
And to be honest, not too bad (for older dated opening lines)!

FOR DETAILS, STANDINGS etc: ... riplebrain

GAMES: ... UaHtaRMivk

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by biyuya »

Dear Sedat, thank you very much for trying my public books. Congratulations to HCan, Conrog and you for the great work done! Soon I will re-upload the link to Pampa 3, which has fallen, but for an upcoming tournament, I will replace them with other updated books. :beer:
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Hello Chess Friends )

As usually, I am very pleased to announce also that
GRAND Series are still ON... here are latest results:

Yes..Esculapio 's performance is incredible even under these cond.!!
Congrats to Angel Morano again! where his both books are managed to
Perform stronger, better than all...exc. vs HCanFree, results are equal,
But unfortunately this time, all the rest Duel's book opponents are lost...
Anyhow... my congratulations to the rest of book participant as well..)


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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Hello again )

Just I'd like to share a screenshot, plus game and details..

In short,
Here is just one of the games played in GRAND DUEL 4,
Where how much is critical, when a line not tuned so well..
Sure I refer for my created Optimus book line which prefers
As Whites only the played wins (by various OPTIMUS series)
And as you may see on above picture, at 28th move:
There is a very powerful move 'Bg7' (as Blacks by Pampa) and
After 28th, there are 17 (seventeen) wins, but only by Blacks!!

In other words, as stated earlier many many times:
Sure I mean for better opening book performance:
Hand tuning, trainings, analyzing, new ideas...required!
Otherwise, no way to be beatable the well-tuned books!
At least by the latest strongest Top NNUE engines of 3750+
Sure as additional under stable, fast hardware conditions...

Actually I can summarize all like that (for current 28th line),
The story of the Trojan Horse: looks like a gift up to 28th,
But see..what happens? Optimus as White is out of
Book and loosing the game...sure there are tons of similar
Examples...but at least I hope to be useful.. for our friends,
Who are not aware about what is going on etc. especially
For guys who often blame similar positions as engine error..
Maybe they can be right maybe not...who knows ?) but
This is also true.. it seems the frequent Champions prefer
Those opening lines, where the engines make less error/s !!
Otherwise..they would not be on Top as Number One, right ?

A NOTE (about the above picture),
A new book, based on SCCT's thousands of wins by 3700+

And here the the mentioned game:

And as final words,
My created Optimus is not so weak...
E.g managed to qualify vs + 13 Elo
It's one of the Champions of XXXI tour
Managed to beat Pampa 3 as NON-NN
Sure not perfect book, but still dangerous! friends, now I feel much better.. )

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