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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:47 am
by BuBs
Hi, are the games available? thanks

Sedat Canbaz wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:34 pm Breaking News (05.06.2024):
Just another special CS is organized with Top 8 high-rated of BN XXX
And the Winner is HCAN...really amazing performance! but I admit too
The rest players performed so well! Note that all games will be shared
After the end of BN XXX tour, thanks for your understanding, exception
The Book Authors may get their played games (sure in case of request)

B/N XXXa Champion: HCAN - My Congratulations to Hamdullah Can!

By the way,
Here are the TIE-BREAK results, where HCAN managed to be NUMBER ONE:

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 HCan 160524                     9      17      40   51.2%   97.5% 
   2 ORIONPAX 2405                   0       0      40   50.0%  100.0% 
   3 DON 190524                     -9      17      40   48.8%   97.5% 

60 of 60 games finished.

Greetings )

Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:12 pm
by Sedat Canbaz
BuBs wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:47 am Hi, are the games available? thanks

Sedat Canbaz wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:34 pm Breaking News (05.06.2024):
Just another special CS is organized with Top 8 high-rated of BN XXX
And the Winner is HCAN...really amazing performance! but I admit too
The rest players performed so well! Note that all games will be shared
After the end of BN XXX tour, thanks for your understanding, exception
The Book Authors may get their played games (sure in case of request)

B/N XXXa Champion: HCAN - My Congratulations to Hamdullah Can!

By the way,
Here are the TIE-BREAK results, where HCAN managed to be NUMBER ONE:

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 HCan 160524                     9      17      40   51.2%   97.5% 
   2 ORIONPAX 2405                   0       0      40   50.0%  100.0% 
   3 DON 190524                     -9      17      40   48.8%   97.5% 

60 of 60 games finished.

Greetings )
I already clearly stated... it seems you missed...
Please see my previous main posting...

Anyhow, all games will be after the end of B/N XXX tour


Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:12 pm
by Sedat Canbaz
Breaking News (06.06.2024):
Just two special CS are organized..(with Top 8 high-rated of B/N XXX)
And the Winner of both tours is HCAN... really amazing performance !!
I admit too the rest players performed so well! What I can say more, you
Can appreciate any standing which you like more, but however via latest
Competitions, now is more clear which ones are stronger in TREND lines,
Besides, as you may see too the draw diff. is 5% higher via Brainlearn 27
Plus via Brainlearn, simply I can say that less job is left to opening books,
Since all books gained from bigger,stronger NNUE data, where the tour via
Raubfish the books gained from smaller/weaker NN same
That means the books are played more influence over the produced results!
While mentioning 'job' as most important job is going to the book makers!
Because even a single mistake...we may expect diff. book performances..
Note also that all of played games will be available after end of B/N XXX
Exc. Book Authors may get their played games (sure in case of request)

The Grand Champion: HCAN - Congratulations to Hamdullah Can!

Latest Tour's Standings (via Raubfish SC):

Code: Select all

   # PLAYER            :  RATING  POINTS   GAMES   (%)
   1 HCan 160524       :  3793.2   144.5     280    52
   2 Dara 200524       :  3788.8   142.5     280    51
   3 Adrian Oliva      :  3787.7   142.0     280    51
   4 Varied 24         :  3784.4   140.5     280    50
   5 Pyramid 280324    :  3782.2   139.5     280    50
   6 Unicornio Upd2    :  3780.0   138.5     280    49
   7 ORIONPAX 2405     :  3776.7   137.0     280    49
   8 DON 190524        :  3773.4   135.5     280    48
For More Rankings, Details etc: ... -nn-cs-30a


Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:19 pm
by Sedat Canbaz
Breaking News (07.06.2024):
Via current update, 3 (three) books entered and to be honest I've expected
More from Base and Yoruba, anyhow we have to be satisfied since these
Opening books are performed not so so bad..but Deeds (cumulated) book is
Something that hard to be described..Note also that Deeds is biggest in size
Btw, while mentioning 'size' once more we noticed that POWER is not in size
But in LINE! On other hand, I can't remember so terrible book performance...
And I don't think that Deeds book games will be useful for chess community...
Especially for the Top book authors, just waste of more no less...but
However, let's hope to see stronger opening books (at least from since now..)
Otherwise I'm going to leave my chess hobby ) ok, friends that's all for now...

Private Book Champion: DON 190524 - Congratulations to Vasid Chouhan!
Public Book Champion Adrian Oliva - Congratulations to Angel Morano too!

For Latest Standings: ... nnue-cs-30


Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:38 pm
by Adrian Oliva
Congratulations DON and Ángel! :sm165:

Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:19 am
by Sedat Canbaz

Cubail 2021-23 is is my work, but all credits are
Going to Cevdet Sarı, since it's tuned to prefer Champions book
Series by Mr Cevdet (the period between 2021-2023), Note that
I spent about 15 min. for tuning, e.g as Whites only Wins are
Enabled, when as Blacks the Wins plus the Draws are enabled too

Ok... here is the current LIVE ranking of Cubail 2021-23 and frankly
I'm satisfied, I assume you too..since all lines can be said old-dated

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   0 Cubail 2021-23                  6       7     940   50.9%   89.6% 
   1 SENTINEL 2405                  51      52      34   57.4%   79.4% 
   2 HCanFree 2404                  32      34      33   54.5%   90.9% 
   3 ORIONPAX 2405                  31      33      34   54.4%   91.2% 
   4 Pyramid 280324                 22      29      32   53.1%   93.8% 
   5 Varied 24                      11      37      32   51.6%   90.6% 
   6 Pampa 3                        11      48      32   51.6%   84.4% 
   7 MegaTron Upd2                  11      48      32   51.6%   84.4% 
   8 Unique                          0      31      31   50.0%   93.5% 
   9 Unicornio Upd2                  0      30      32   50.0%   93.8% 
  10 SCCT                            0       0      32   50.0%  100.0% 
  11 OPTIMUS 2405                    0      41      33   50.0%   87.9% 
  12 HCan 160524                     0      41      33   50.0%   87.9% 
  13 DON 190524                      0       0      32   50.0%  100.0% 
  14 Arasan 310324                   0       0      34   50.0%  100.0% 
  15 Adrian Oliva                    0      40      34   50.0%   88.2% 
  16 Bronco 290224                 -11      20      33   48.5%   97.0% 
  17 Yoruba 150424                 -11      37      32   48.4%   90.6% 
  18 Rebel 110324                  -11      21      32   48.4%   96.9% 
  19 LesChats 280524               -11      37      32   48.4%   90.6% 
  20 FGRL                          -11      57      32   48.4%   78.1% 
  21 TCEC                          -12      22      30   48.3%   96.7% 
  22 Dara 200524                   -21      28      33   47.0%   93.9% 
  23 SSDF                          -22      42      32   46.9%   87.5% 
  24 CEDR                          -22      42      32   46.9%   87.5% 
  25 CCRL                          -22      42      32   46.9%   87.5% 
  26 GM Champs                     -33      47      32   45.3%   84.4% 
  27 CCC                           -51      42      34   42.6%   85.3% 
  28 TWIC                          -55      55      32   42.2%   78.1% 
  29 CEGT                          -55      55      32   42.2%   78.1% 

940 of 1160 games finished.
Note also that,
Deeds (cumulated) book will be removed in next update, as reason:
The tour's target is test / remain those results, which are 3715+ Elo
And in this way, I believe that the tour's conditions will be harder!
Otherwise, some of the book opponents gain very very easy points,
Besides, this is really not so 'fair' for all other rest players..!

In other words, as far as possible:
My wish is simply to see less handicapped opening lines,
And I'm sorry for all this trouble, but in our chess hobby,
Some of the books are super strong, some are very weak,
But you’ll never know all about this mystery until you try!

Greetings )

Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:22 pm
by Sedat Canbaz

As I promised,
Here is another entry: Skynet 2023 book, which is tuned to prefer
All Skynet's Champions books,e.g won titles of the last year (2023)
Note also that it is created in same method as Cubail 2021-23 book

And soon as possible,
I hope to release Skynet 2023 book and here are 1st played results,
As we see, Skynet 2023's performance is not bad (for old-dated lines)

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   0 Skynet 2023                    -3       8     804   49.6%   89.3% 
   1 ORIONPAX 2405                  65      53      27   59.3%   81.5% 
   2 Pampa 3                        39      67      27   55.6%   74.1% 
   3 Pyramid 280324                 37      40      28   55.4%   89.3% 
   4 HCanFree 2404                  37      40      28   55.4%   89.3% 
   5 SENTINEL 2405                  26      50      27   53.7%   85.2% 
   6 OPTIMUS 2405                   26      35      27   53.7%   92.6% 
   7 LesChats 280524                26      50      27   53.7%   85.2% 
   8 SCCT                           25      33      28   53.6%   92.9% 
   9 HCan 160524                    25      48      28   53.6%   85.7% 
  10 Yoruba 150424                  13      57      27   51.9%   81.5% 
  11 Varied 24                      13      25      27   51.9%   96.3% 
  12 Dara 200524                    12      24      28   51.8%   96.4% 
  13 Bronco 290224                  12      24      28   51.8%   96.4% 
  14 Cubai 2021-23                  12      41      29   51.7%   89.7% 
  15 Unicornio Upd2                  0       0      28   50.0%  100.0% 
  16 GM Champs                       0      51      27   50.0%   85.2% 
  17 DON 190524                      0      60      28   50.0%   78.6% 
  18 Adrian Oliva                    0       0      28   50.0%  100.0% 
  19 Arasan 310324                 -12      23      29   48.3%   96.6% 
  20 SSDF                          -13      44      27   48.1%   88.9% 
  21 Rebel 110324                  -13      44      27   48.1%   88.9% 
  22 MegaTron Upd2                 -13      25      27   48.1%   96.3% 
  23 CCC                           -24      32      29   46.6%   93.1% 
  24 TWIC                          -25      33      28   46.4%   92.9% 
  25 CCRL                          -25      48      28   46.4%   85.7% 
  26 Unique                        -27      36      26   46.2%   92.3% 
  27 CEDR                          -36      39      29   44.8%   89.7% 
  28 FGRL                          -37      40      28   44.6%   89.3% 
  29 CEGT                          -61      61      29   41.4%   75.9% 

804 of 1160 games finished.
Have fun )

Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:13 pm
by Sedat Canbaz

Just another entry more for today:
Hurna 2023 book, which is tuned to prefer Ian Hunavich's Top books,
Like Skynet 2023 book, his all won titles belong to last year (2023)
And it is created in same method as Cubail 2021-23 plus Skynet 2023
I mean as White prefers only wins, where as Blacks prefers wins+draws
And for each book creation: I spent short time, minus plus 10-15 min.

Meanwhile, here are the 1st played results of Hurna 2023 opening book,
And so far Hurna 2023's performance is not bad (for old-dated lines) too

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   0 Hurna 2023                     19      12     456   52.7%   85.7% 
   1 OPTIMUS 2405                   50      66      14   57.1%   85.7% 
   2 Unique                         25      85      14   53.6%   78.6% 
   3 Rebel 110324                   23      79      15   53.3%   80.0% 
   4 Pyramid 280324                 22      74      16   53.1%   81.3% 
   5 HCan 160524                    22      42      16   53.1%   93.8% 
   6 Bullet SBT                     22      74      16   53.1%   81.3% 
   7 TWIC                            0       0      14   50.0%  100.0% 
   8 SENTINEL 2405                   0      65      15   50.0%   86.7% 
   9 MegaTron Upd2                   0      87      16   50.0%   75.0% 
  10 LesChats 280524                 0       0      14   50.0%  100.0% 
  11 Dara 200524                     0       0      15   50.0%  100.0% 
  12 CEDR                            0      65      15   50.0%   86.7% 
  13 Adrian Oliva                    0       0      16   50.0%  100.0% 
  14 Arasan 310324                 -20      70      17   47.1%   82.4% 
  15 HCanFree 2404                 -22      42      16   46.9%   93.8% 
  16 Cubai 2021-23                 -22      42      16   46.9%   93.8% 
  17 Unicornio Upd2                -23      44      15   46.7%   93.3% 
  18 DON 190524                    -23      79      15   46.7%   80.0% 
  19 CCRL                          -23      44      15   46.7%   93.3% 
  20 Yoruba 150424                 -25      85      14   46.4%   78.6% 
  21 SCCT                          -25      85      14   46.4%   78.6% 
  22 Pampa 3                       -44      58      16   43.8%   87.5% 
  23 FGRL                          -44      58      16   43.8%   87.5% 
  24 CCC                           -44      58      16   43.8%   87.5% 
  25 Varied 24                     -54      71      13   42.3%   84.6% 
  26 CEGT                          -66      70      16   40.6%   81.3% 
  27 Bronco 290224                 -66      70      16   40.6%   81.3% 
  28 SSDF                          -70     102      15   40.0%   66.7% 
  29 Skynet 2023                   -76      80      14   39.3%   78.6% 
  30 GM Champs                     -89      80      16   37.5%   75.0% 

456 of 1200 games finished.
And please stay tuned...very soon,
I hope to release Hurna 2023 book as well

Good luck )

Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:36 pm
by Sedat Canbaz
Breaking News (08.06.2024):
Via current update: 3 Champions based books are entered and this time really
I'm satisfied by the performance of latest 3 participated books, I assume you
Too?!...actually with more serious tuning/training etc...we may expect better
Points...but that's all from Me... On the other hand, I have good news as well:
All my created and tested 3 books released and available: Openchess + Goi
Btw, unfortunately Deeds (cumulated) is removed, due to bad performance...
But anyhow, you can download all the games played by Deeds (cumulated): ... rvvgDGxi64

For Latest Standings: ... nnue-cs-30


Re: Sedat Canbaz

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:59 pm
by Sedat Canbaz
Breaking News (11.06.2024):
New CS Leagues will be organized soon as possible, firstly 2nd league...later
Super League will be organized as well (with the qualified players), Note that,
In 2nd League: latest Top engines of 3750+ will be played vs constant players,
Which are minus plus 30-50 Elo reason, to reduce the draw ratios!
You know, the engines play as serious role, in case of appearing high draws..!
In this way, I think that will be more exciting.. plus we may expect more FUN..
In same time, we can say that the best / strongest ones will be on Top ranks!
A few words about qualification rule, not sure...after calculations will be clear..
But meantime, I think to add a rule which perform better than Stockfish 16.1
Ok...that's all for now and please stay tuned...very soon new details, updates.

For Tournament Page (which is currently under construction): ... -cs-51-2nd
