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Post by Homayoun »

Author Anton 101 (A.Ces) :


TACTICAL is a clone engine of SF 16 up to date 110723, it uses the Tactical code that Mr. Zerbinati so kindly provided me.

The difference is that it's built on Vondele's idea of eliminating classical evaluation: https://github.com/official-stockfish/S ... -121441766

Generates experience file and accepts bin and CTG opening books.

Here there are many thanks a lot of people involved and I hope you like it, I in particular recommend the tactical option for analysis, for server games, better not to move anything.

If you have used Dark SisTer, Cool Iris, RapTora you can rename the experience file. But I suggest starting from scratch.

On the WINRAR you´ll find avx2-modern and bmi2 binaries, src and licence.

Have fun!

Download : https://pixeldrain.com/u/CmrNc3XL

Thanks to Anton 101 (A.Ces)
Last edited by massimilianogoi on Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »

Hi everyone! If the administrators agree I will update TACTICAL in this thread. Greetings to all.


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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by massimilianogoi »

Sure. :text-welcomewave:
Anton101 wrote: Fri Jul 14, 2023 10:41 pm Hi everyone! If the administrators agree I will update TACTICAL in this thread. Greetings to all.


Boca del Río, Ver, México.
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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »

Thanks and regards!.

I will upload TACTICAL 150723 in a few minutes... :chess:
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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »


Updated with SF 16 150723.

I have decided to add two patches that are already about to be approved.

1. https://github.com/official-stockfish/S ... 06099c40b7

2. https://github.com/MaximMolchanov/Stock ... fc45a104b3

On the WINRAR you´ll find binaries in avx2-bmi2-modern, LOGO, src and licence.

Download: https://pixeldrain.com/u/KZ9pXbTh

Enjoy and thanks to administration.

A. Ces.

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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »


TACTICAL is a clone of SF 16 updated to July 24, 2023, the tactical code was kindly provided by Mr. Zerbinati, this preference code should be activated for deep analysis and creation of books, in server games, I suggest leaving the parameters by default.

I have added two patches and it does not use the current green network, however in my tests the engine remains with a very good performance.

I like to get creative and add code to get an engine at least a little different.

If you are a TACTICAL user you can continue using the same experience file.

Added code and new net from here: https://github.com/AndrovT/Stockfish/co ... d9bb6862d7

A new patch Elo gainer: https://tests.stockfishchess.org/tests/ ... 650abb43a3

WINRAR: TACTICAL 240723 in avx2-modern-bmi2, LOGO,src and licence.

Download: https://pixeldrain.com/u/45VSUeh3

Happy tests! :thumbsup:

A. Ces.
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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »

There was an error in the compilation, please download the engine again... The next Elo gainer patch I keep it and return to the last green network. My apologies, there was an error and I detected it when I had already sent the engine, either way it is updated to SF 16 dated July 24, 2023.

Download: https://pixeldrain.com/u/sYd3Egi6
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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »


Updated to SF 290723 wirh patch added remove_psqt, same as Cool Iris 10.50

Download: https://pixeldrain.com/u/YohY7boM

Happy test. :techie-typing:

A. Ces
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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »

I deleted the above link due to an error in the Zobrist removal :oops: , I have reverted the patch, I apologize, this is the new download link: https://pixeldrain.com/u/NUKHdd1J
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Re: Tactical 120723

Post by Anton101 »


6 new commits:

1. https://github.com/official-stockfish/S ... 3d0eab4d3b

2. https://github.com/official-stockfish/S ... c82ea6a519

3. https://github.com/official-stockfish/S ... E77B649A4D

4. https://github.com/official-stockfish/S ... 25cfbbe4f2

5. https://github.com/official-stockfish/S ... 97c7e50046

6. https://tests.stockfishchess.org/tests/ ... C21C0D6A8C

WINRAR: avx2-bmi2-modern (a-b-m), src, LOGO and license: https://pixeldrain.com/u/FmPK6tXW

Have fun!
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