cubail test

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cubail test

Post by cubail »

Blitz 1.0min+1.0sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 240 games

DRAGON-3, Blitz 1.0min+1.0sec 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Polyfish 230621a 8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.5 - 7.5** 40.5/80 1625.00
2 EMAN 8.91 64-bit SSE41 8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.5 - 7.5 ** 40.5/80 1623.50
3 Polyfish 230621e 8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0 ** 40.0/80 1624.50
4 Polyfish 230621 8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0 ** 40.0/80 1608.00
5 EMAN 8.90 64-bit SSE41 8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0 ** 40.0/80 1608.00
6 Polyfish 230621d 7.5 - 8.5-8.0 - 8.0-7.5 - 8.5-8.0 - 8.0-8.0 - 8.0 ** 39.0/80

1 Polyfish 230621a -----chess.massimilianogoi forum.bin-144 mb
2 EMAN 8.91 64-bit SSE41 Eman.bin-23 mb
3 Polyfish 230621e ----- Leschats060723.bin-136 mb
4 Polyfish 230621 ----- HCanFree-Upd.bin-8 mb
5 EMAN 8.90 64-bit SSE41 Eman.exp-912 mb
6 Polyfish 230621d ----- New Database.ctg-1 GB

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Re: cubail test

Post by cubail »

1 mın 4 core Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs-15 move frıtz17 gui syzgyz end game torbu 5 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 2

Code: Select all

[code]DRAGON-3, Blitz 1.0min  2023

                       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        
1   ShashChess 33.2    ******** ½½½½½½½0 0½11½½½1 10½0½½½½ 010½½½0½ 01½½0101 ½1010½½1 1½1½½½10 1½11½½1½  34.5/64
2   SF PB 16           ½½½½½½½1 ******** 0½½½½½0½ 1010½½10 ½10½½½01 1010½½½0 1½1½½½1½ 01½1½½01 101½½010  33.0/64  1049.75
3   Brainlearn 25.2    1½00½½½0 1½½½½½1½ ******** 01½½½½01 01½1½½01 01½1½½0½ 01½½½½01 ½0½½½½½½ 1½½½½½1½  33.0/64  1049.50
4   Polyfish 230708    01½1½½½½ 0101½½01 10½½½½10 ******** ½½½0½½10 ½01½1½½0 101½½½½½ 01½1½½½1 0½0½½½01  32.5/64
5   Polyfish 230421    101½½½1½ ½01½½½10 10½0½½10 ½½½1½½01 ******** ½101½½0½ 0½½1½½0½ ½0½0½½10 ½1½½½½01  32.0/64  1027.75
6   SF PB 220623       10½½1010 0101½½½1 10½0½½1½ ½10½0½½1 ½010½½1½ ******** 1½½½½½½0 0101½½½1 010½½½0½  32.0/64  1025.50
7   Stockfish 16       ½0101½½0 0½0½½½0½ 10½½½½10 010½½½½½ 1½½0½½1½ 0½½½½½½1 ******** 1½1½½½10 01½½½½01  31.0/64
8   SF PB 190623       0½0½½½01 10½0½½10 ½1½½½½½½ 10½0½½½0 ½1½1½½01 1010½½½0 0½0½½½01 ******** 1010½110  30.0/64  965.00
9   Dark SisTer 5.0_m  0½00½½0½ 010½½101 0½½½½½0½ 1½1½½½10 ½0½½½½10 101½½½1½ 10½½½½10 0101½001 ********  30.0/64  963.50

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Re: cubail test

Post by cubail »

1 mın 4 core Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs-15 move frıtz17 gui syzgyz end game torbu 5 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz 440 games
engın, Blitz 1.0min-1 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
1 TACTICAL 160723_m ******** 01½½½½½½ ½0½½½½1½ 0101½½01 0111½½½1 101½½½10 10½½½½1½ 10½½½½1½ ½1½1½101 1½½½½½1½ ½1½½½½01 46.0/80
2 SF PB 110723 10½½½½½½ ******** 100½½½1½ ½0½½½½10 0½0½½½½1 ½01½½0½0 0111½½01 01½1½½½1 01½½½1½1 ½101½½½1 1½1½1½1½ 44.0/80
3 ShashChess 33.2 ½1½½½½0½ 011½½½0½ ******** 01½1½½0½ 101½½½½0 ½½01½½01 1011½½1½ ½01½½½10 1½10½½½0 10½½1½11 ½1½00101 43.0/80 1701.25
4 Polyfish 230421 1010½½10 ½1½½½½01 10½0½½1½ ******** 0101½½½1 ½0½0½½½0 010½½½01 10½½1½1½ ½1½1½½01 ½1½1½½01 10101½1½ 43.0/80 1685.50
5 SugaR XPrO 230623 modern 1000½½½0 1½1½½½½0 010½½½½1 1010½½½0 ******** ½1½½½1½1 01½1½½01 01½½½½½½ 10½½1½1½ ½10½½½01 1½1½½½10 42.5/80
6 SugaR XPrO 150723 modern 010½½½01 ½10½½1½1 ½½10½½10 ½1½1½½½1 ½0½½½0½0 ******** ½0½½½0½½ 10½½½½10 ½1½1½½01 ½½½½½½1½ ½1½½01½1 42.0/80
7 Brainlearn 25.2 01½½½½0½ 1000½½10 0100½½0½ 101½½½10 10½0½½10 ½1½½½1½½ ******** ½101½1½1 101½½½1½ 01½0½½½1 1½1½½½10 41.5/80
8 Polyfish 230621 01½½½½0½ 10½0½½½0 ½10½½½01 01½½0½0½ 10½½½½½½ 01½½½½01 ½010½0½0 ******** 101½½½10 101½½½1½ 0½11½½½1 38.5/80
9 StockfishMZ 170723 ½0½0½010 10½½½0½0 0½01½½½1 ½0½0½½10 01½½0½0½ ½0½0½½10 010½½½0½ 010½½½01 ******** 01½½½½½1 1½1½½½10 34.5/80
10 EMAN 8.91 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT 0½½½½½0½ ½010½½½0 01½½0½00 ½0½0½½10 ½01½½½10 ½½½½½½0½ 10½1½½½0 010½½½0½ 10½½½½½0 ******** 01½1½½01 34.0/80
11 Honey 14.1.01 ½0½½½½10 0½0½0½0½ ½0½11010 01010½0½ 0½0½½½01 ½0½½10½0 0½0½½½01 1½00½½½0 0½0½½½01 10½0½½10 ******** 31.0/80
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Re: cubail test

Post by cubail »

1 mın 4 core Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs-15 move frıtz17 gui syzgyz end game torbu 5 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz 220 games

Code: Select all

889, Blitz 1.0min  2023

                                   1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1        
1   SF PB 280723                   ******** ½0½0     ½1½1     01½½     1½1½     01½1     ½10½     01½1     1½10     0101     101½      23.0/40
2   StockfishMZ 240623 modern      ½1½1     ******** 01½½     1½10     01½½     ½0½½     101½     101½     01½½     1½½0     ½101      22.5/40
3   Stockfish 16                   ½0½0     10½½     ******** ½½½½     10½½     01½½     010½     ½1½1     10½½     ½1½1     1½11      22.0/40
4   ShashChess 33.2                10½½     0½01     ½½½½     ******** 01½½     1½1½     1½½½     1010     01½1     10½0     010½      20.5/40  407.75
5   Raid v2.7i_ss41-ppcnt          0½0½     10½½     01½½     10½½     ******** 01½1     10½½     ½1½½     10½½     011½     10½½      20.5/40  404.25
6   AI 27.0_ad9b x64m              10½0     ½1½½     10½½     0½0½     10½0     ******** 00½½     0½½1     10½½     1½11     11½0      19.5/40
7   RapTora 2.2-sse41-popcnt       ½01½     010½     101½     0½½½     01½½     11½½     ******** ½0½½     ½½0½     ½½½½     010½      19.0/40  383.50
8   CorChess 3 031022              10½0     010½     ½0½0     0101     ½0½½     1½½0     ½1½½     ******** ½10½     01½1     1½10      19.0/40  374.50
9   Cool Iris 10.40_m              0½01     10½½     01½½     10½0     01½½     01½½     ½½1½     ½01½     ******** ½0½0     010½      18.0/40  364.75
10  Polyfish 22109                 1010     0½½1     ½0½0     01½1     100½     0½00     ½½½½     10½0     ½1½1     ******** 01½½      18.0/40  361.25
11  EMAN 8.91 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT  010½     ½010     0½00     101½     01½½     00½1     101½     0½01     101½     10½½     ********  18.0/40  357.75

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Re: cubail test

Post by Anton101 »

Hi Cubail, it is unfair to place Cool Iris in games with that time control, at least 5m +1s

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Re: cubail test

Post by Homayoun »

Anton101 wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 5:22 pm Hi Cubail, it is unfair to place Cool Iris in games with that time control, at least 5m +1s

+1(too). or at least with increments.
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Re: cubail test

Post by cubail »

same test 1+1 ok
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Re: cubail test

Post by cubail »

Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs-15 move
I do not think that the effect of this test tennue learning network is much
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Re: cubail test

Post by cubail »

1.0min+1.0sec 4 core Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs-15 move frıtz17 end game torbu 5 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz 220 games

Code: Select all

889, Blitz 1.0min+1.0sec  2023

                                   1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1        
1   ShashChess 33.2                ******** 01½1     10½½     ½1½½     01½½     10½½     1½½½     01½½     ½1½1     1½½½     1½10      23.5/40
2   SF PB 280723                   10½0     ******** 01½½     1½1½     1½½½     01½1     010½     10½½     1010     ½1½½     ½1½½      22.0/40
3   Stockfish 16                   01½½     10½½     ******** 1½½½     101½     01½½     01½½     1½½½     1010     010½     011½      21.5/40
4   StockfishMZ 240623 modern      ½0½½     0½0½     0½½½     ******** 01½½     1½½½     101½     0½½½     ½1½1     1½1½     1½½0      20.5/40
5   Cool Iris 10.40_m              10½½     0½½½     010½     10½½     ******** 101½     10½0     01½1     0101     0101     101½      20.0/40  396.50
6   Polyfish 22109                 01½½     10½0     10½½     0½½½     010½     ******** 01½½     0101     101½     101½     101½      20.0/40  395.50
7   RapTora 2.2-sse41-popcnt       0½½½     101½     10½½     010½     01½1     10½½     ******** 01½½     0½01     1010     1010      19.5/40  390.50
8   EMAN 8.91 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT  10½½     01½½     0½½½     1½½½     10½0     1010     10½½     ******** 0½0½     ½101     ½1½½      19.5/40  388.75
9   Raid v2.7i_ss41-ppcnt          ½0½0     0101     0101     ½0½0     1010     010½     1½10     1½1½     ******** 01½½     0101      19.0/40
10  AI 27.0_ad9b x64m              0½½½     ½0½½     101½     0½0½     1010     010½     0101     ½010     10½½     ******** ½1½½      18.0/40
11  CorChess 3 031022              0½01     ½0½½     100½     0½½1     010½     010½     0101     ½0½½     1010     ½0½½     ********  16.5/40

same test tıme chance number1 chance
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Re: cubail test

Post by cubail »

Blitz 1.0min+1.0sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 336 games
8, Blitz 1.0min 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 CorChess SE 260823 sl-modern **************** 10½½1½½0101010½½ 1010½½10½010½½10 ½101½½½½01½1010½ 01½½½½½101½1½½½½ 01½½½101½10½½1½1 1½½½1½1½101½½½½½ 52.5/96
2 Stockfish 250823 sl x2560 01½½0½½1010101½½ **************** ½½10½½½01½½½½½½0 ½½½1½½½10101½½½1 10½½1½½010½½½½½½ 01½½½½½1½10½½½½½ ½½1½½½101½1½½½10 51.0/96
3 SF PB 240823 0101½½01½101½½01 ½½01½½½10½½½½½½1 **************** 0½0½½½½½0101½½01 10101½½01½½½1½1½ 1010½½1½10½0½½½0 1½10½01½101½½½1½ 50.5/96
4 Raid v2.73i_sse41 ½010½½½½10½0101½ ½½½0½½½01010½½½0 1½1½½½½½1010½½10 **************** ½10½½½½½½½½½½1½1 01½1½½½½0101½½½1 01½1½½½½0101½½01 49.5/96
5 Sun 1.0 Powerplay-modern 10½½½½½010½0½½½½ 01½½0½½101½½½½½½ 01010½½10½½½0½0½ ½01½½½½½½½½½½0½0 **************** 1½10½½½½½01½½½1½ ½10½0½½1½1½1½½½½ 46.5/96
6 Stockfish 220823 sl,x2560-modern 10½½½010½01½½0½0 10½½½½½0½01½½½½½ 0101½½0½01½1½½½1 10½0½½½½1010½½½0 0½01½½½½½10½½½0½ **************** 1½011½½½0½0½½½½1 45.0/96
7 EMAN 9.40 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT 0½½½0½0½010½½½½½ ½½0½½½010½0½½½01 0½01½10½010½½½0½ 10½0½½½½1010½½10 ½01½1½½0½0½0½½½½ 0½100½½½1½1½½½½0 **************** 41.0/96
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