Sedat Canbaz

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Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Dear Friends,

Meanwhile, just I'd like to inform you that
New exiting NNUE CS is coming very soon !!

Note that this time as Players will be
Public chess engines and only up to 25 MB
(sure in uncompressed size) will be allowed!

Yes..this is a new idea..actually in most of
My organized contests, SCCT has size rules..
Especially in Book, plus some Eng tours too,
And why 'Size' rules are so important?

1st reason,
Sure for more fair conditions, if not.. just imagine,
We play each other... I will use 100 MB, but
You will use 5 MB, what many guys will say ?!
Not FAIR at all...right ?) or maybe here I'm
Missing something ?

2nd reason,
Via HUGE assistance any fool can play stronger!
But a small note, as most important/impressive:
What about playing with less help (assistance) ?!

By the way,
Some Book I've created many tiny (1-2 MB) books,
Which performed not so so bad...and just only a few of them,
DON Hercules, Optimus etc.. are managed to be Winners !!
Especially DON Hercules series shocked many many times...!
And why not smaller Engines in size to be not Winners too ?
On other hand, even 25 MB is not so small..but if limiting less..
Then I'm afraid that I've to switch to Classic (NON-NN) tours

3rd reason,
Simply to save free hard disk space and time..
You may know, time is money! Moreover,
It's ideal when my hardware contains more space!
Like, it's nice and relax to live in BIG room )

And let's see under these hard conditions..
Which Engines will be the Best of Best ?

And please stay tuned.. more info soon..

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Just I'd like to add,
As far as possible, in new tour: 3500+ Elo players will be participated
Because I've no interest to test...e.g if NNUE (playing via assistance)
And to be weaker..we are in 2024, sorry and thanks for understanding!
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


NNUE LIV's Candidates CS 3700+

Code: Select all

 1   Ditto 130221      271.5/500
 2   Spider 080621     271.0/500
 3   Cfish 250621      269.0/500
 4   Stockfish 170521  267.0/500
 5   CiChess 040121    262.5/500
 6   ShashChess 16     256.5/500
 7   Raubfisch X45     240.0/500
 8   Fisherov v0.98m   238.0/500
 9   Bluefish 13.1a    228.0/500
10  Honey 13.1         227.0/500
11  Crystal 3.1        219.5/500

More Details: 
In this tourney, only played the ones which released
With same and as default net: nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue 
In other words, target to pick exc. Stockfish, plus
The strongest SF based engine with the mentioned net..
So Ditto 13021971 managed to be as qualified player!
Btw, otherwise..I mean regarding for official CS LIV,
If all participants are going to play with same net..
Simply then...would not be too boring ?)

NNUE LIV's Candidates CS 3500+

Code: Select all

1   Halogen 12     121.5/176
2   Pawn 3.0       111.0/176
3   Midnight 9      91.5/176
4   Pedone 3.1      84.5/176
5   Devre 4.0       84.0/176
6   Cheng 4.48      82.5/176
7   Igel 3.2.0      80.0/176
8   BlackCore 6.0   76.5/176
9   Rebel 15        60.5/176

More Details: 
Via this Candidate CS, the target is simply 
To pick those ones with better performance...
In short, Halogen + Pawn are qualified too!

Be aware too,
Arasan 23.5 + Smallbrain 7 out... tested vs
Many others, but both performed not so good..
GAMES: ... 2Js9IBNkC8

And please stay tuned...
Very soon BIG update is coming,
And with so many players...e.g
if I'm not wrong: 41 engines !

And later...
This tour stats will be not so bad indicator
About comparing Eng Size / Performance!
Sure up to 25 MB (uncompressed) ...

By the way, if you are goıing to ask the
Overall size of current 41 players are
Close to 250 MB in compressed !!

And just imagine again...e.g there are
Such eng releases, I mean as single, but
They are much bigger in size than 41...

If not so clear, to see the reality..
You have to be in my shoes.. !)

A small note more, only for the current CS,
I downloaded/tested over than 70 engines!
Even not mentioning the opening books ..)

Ok friends...see you later )
And have a nice weekend...
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Breaking News (03.08.2024):
Just another exiting CS... but this time, as far as possible 3500+ played!
1st of all, it seems all any game is recorded to be lost on time!!
What's new? in LIV CS: there is a new rule: up to 25 MB (uncompressed)..
Moreover, exc some oldies..a lot of new vers. are entered but as main diff.
Via this CS...current participants are played under more 'fair' conditions !!
Why I say like that ? E.g in case of playing via HUGE assistance is not like
Climbing to mountain Everest ) short: Come with 'small' data and win !)
On other hand, usually in our tours : there are no strict rules, many prefer
In tests something like 'Cage Fighting' but how much is this fair ?) At least
Via these cond. I've done my best a fair fight to be and strongest to win..!
Yes..this time, Berserk is said the last word but with clear margin, great!
Obsidian is 2nd..nice too, 3rd rank is SFS 100224 not so bad as well! but
To be honest, here I'm a little surprised..e.g usually SF ones are Winners..
And as I stated earlier, no one can be on Top forever, right ?) By the way,
We have a new Pocket Hercules: Starzix 5..yes, it's less than 2 MB), but
Performed very good... so once more we noticed that not only via Books,
Also via Engines, where the powerful moves may appear by very small
Players (in size) too! and as usual I wish to say: thanks for your interest..

NNUE LIV's Champion: Berserk 13 - My Congratulations to Jay Honnold!

For FULL Standings, Games etc: ... t-nn-cs-54

Have fun :beer:
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Hello Chess Friends,

Meanwhile, I'd like to inform all of you also that
SCCT NN CS conditions are going to be changed!

In short, next future tours are planing to be played
Into 'SIZE'' CS Leagues, since 'NN size' matters a lot..!
Sure not always... but if I'm going to check in overall,
I admit that the well-tuned and larger Evalfiles play as
Significant role, with clear advantage over smaller ones!

Actually this is nothing new in SCCT..depending on tours,
Size rules used since a long time... besides for these
Reasons, the well-known sports Boxing, Wrestling etc.
Are organizing under 'Weight' categories.. right ?

In other words,
It's time for more frequent Fair Fight Battles !!
Btw, as other good example is recent organized LIV,
Where all Top engines used up to 25 MB Evalfiles!
But now, via the new size rules, more entries will
Participate too..otherwise there will be BIG miss!

And to be more clear, the planning new/future
SCCT NN tours will consist 3 (three) Leagues:

Small = Up to 25 MB
Medium = 26 - 60 MB
Large = 61 MB +

Note also that, soon as possible:
Medium and Large championships will be organized as well!

Small CS is already organized, so it's not required... at
Least for nowadays but case of newer versions
Why not again...?!

And as final words, let Me say also this saying over, when
The rest factors, influences etc. do not matter so much!
Of course I am talking for my side...not sure about you!?

FAST = Powerful, modern fast hardware
FAIR FIGHT = Playing in SIZE categories
FUN = Fast Bullet + Unique opening suite
STABILITY = No time loses, crashes etc.
STRENGTH = Mainly 3500+ Elo NN engines
TIME = Organizing frequent/many tours...

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Finely, I've managed to start the planning Medium CS (26 MB - 60 MB)
But I admit too SIZE CS are one of hardest tours that I ever organized...
Sure I'm referring for my side... at least I can say: a lot of details...
But just for Computer Chess's progress and it's any regret !)
If nothing you have some info...that it's not so easy...
Actually if these tours were easy... everyone would run it, right ?

Current Leading Engine: SF Polyglot 15.1 - Congrats to Massimiliano Goi!

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 SF Polyglot 15.1               96      42      78   63.5%   67.9% 
   2 Stockfish 220923               86      39      82   62.2%   70.7% 
   3 Genko 1.1                      77      39      83   60.8%   71.1% 
   4 XTD 010723                     72      36      83   60.2%   74.7% 
   5 LittleBeast 2                  70      39      80   60.0%   72.5% 
   6 BlueMarlin 15.7                68      35      83   59.6%   75.9% 
   7 Yuliirma 2.1                   64      37      82   59.1%   74.4% 
   8 Polyfish 070823                61      37      80   58.8%   75.0% 
   9 D. Blue 280623                 56      36      81   58.0%   76.5% 
  10 Raubfisch X48e                 52      35      81   57.4%   77.8% 
  11 Zeus 26.5                      51      36      82   57.3%   75.6% 
  12 Brainlearn 25.2                51      34      83   57.2%   78.3% 
  13 Fisherov M 1.2                 39      37      80   55.6%   76.3% 
  14 Honey v14.1.01                 34      41      81   54.9%   70.4% 
  15 CFishNN 260623                 17      45      81   52.5%   65.4% 
  16 K. Dragon 3.3                   0      39      79   50.0%   74.7% 
  17 Fat Fritz 2                   -60      45      82   41.5%   63.4% 
  18 Revenge 3.0                  -130      50      81   32.1%   54.3% 
  19 Igel 3.5.0                   -146      56      78   30.1%   47.4% 
  20 Arasan 24.2.2                -197      59      82   24.4%   41.5% 
  21 Booot 7.3                    -217      60      83   22.3%   39.8% 
  22 Black Marlin 9.0             -218      68      81   22.2%   32.1% 

893 of 11088 games finished.

Note: Same Evalfiles are not allowed in the official contest..
So another newer Candidate tour is organized, the target to
Determine the best/strongest via nn-c38c3d8d3920.nnue !

And Polyfish 070823 wins 'nn-c38c3d8d3920.nnue' tour,
Congratulations to Polyfish's author (Khalid Omar) !

Code: Select all

1   Polyfish 070823  273.5/528
2   SF-PB 030923     271.5/528
3   RapTora 3.0      270.5/528
4   SF-POLY 220723   268.5/528
5   Corchess 240823  265.0/528
6   ProteusSF Aureo  259.5/528
7   CatroP 310723    239.5/528
GAMES: ... x4gVMpsxCo

Note also that
I ran another test where CFishNN 260623 performed
Better/stronger than 2 (two) other Cfish eng versions..

And more updates soon )

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Top standings seems hard to guess what will be next ranks..
Current Leading Engine: Stockfish 220923 - Congratulations to SF team!

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 Stockfish 220923               83      17     420   61.8%   72.1% 
   2 Yuliirma 2.1                   81      17     422   61.5%   70.9% 
   3 Brainlearn 25.2                81      16     419   61.5%   72.8% 
   4 Polyfish 070823                77      16     419   60.9%   73.5% 
   5 XTD 010723                     74      17     420   60.5%   72.4% 
   6 SF Polyglot 15.1               70      17     418   59.9%   71.5% 
   7 Zeus 26.5                      69      17     418   59.8%   72.2% 
   8 Genko 1.1                      68      17     419   59.7%   73.0% 
   9 BlueMarlin 15.7                65      17     421   59.3%   71.5% 
  10 D. Blue 280623                 65      17     419   59.2%   71.6% 
  11 LittleBeast 2                  59      15     417   58.4%   77.5% 
  12 Fisherov M 1.2                 45      16     418   56.5%   74.6% 
  13 Raubfisch X48e                 42      16     420   56.1%   75.0% 
  14 Honey v14.1.01                 41      19     418   55.9%   67.7% 
  15 K. Dragon 3.3                  14      18     419   52.0%   71.1% 
  16 CFishNN 260623                  4      20     419   50.6%   64.9% 
  17 Fat Fritz 2                   -63      21     419   41.1%   60.6% 
  18 Igel 3.5.0                   -150      24     418   29.7%   48.8% 
  19 Revenge 3.0                  -168      25     417   27.6%   44.1% 
  20 Black Marlin 9.0             -199      26     421   24.1%   40.1% 
  21 Arasan 24.2.2                -203      26     419   23.7%   40.3% 
  22 Booot 7.3                    -234      27     422   20.6%   37.0% 

4611 of 11088 games finished.
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (06.08.2024):
NNUE Size CS are still on... but this time, as players are 26 MB - 60 MB
Unfortunately in this league: not all of the Top engines are so stable..sad
For example, there are 31 games lost on time, mainly by Revenge 3 and
Black Marlin 9, sure for accurate standings: I replayed those lost games..
But anyhow, in case of interest..I've included them in download package..
You know.. no one's work is perfect, but however I suggest more serious
And various trainings, tests etc (before final releases) thanks in advance
On other hand, almost all rest engines are stable under these conditions!
While I was mentioning about the stability) I should not forget to mention
The strong performance by Stockfish, Polyfish, Brainlearn etc...nice! Sure
Many of current entries are old-dated, but quite new eng versions will be
In next planing Large Size CS e.g it will consist mainly 2024 releases and
The planing CS will be organized soon as possible so please stay tuned )

NN Medium Size I's Champion: Stockfish - Congratulations to SF Team!

For FULL Standings: ... edium-cs-1

GAMES: ... HybWfcHs2A

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Helle there )

As usually, I'm very pleased to announce that,
NNUE Candidate (Large Size) CS I is organized!
Actually even official contest is almost over..

Btw, in case of interest to submit, please read carefully:
- Per tour: 1 (one) public engine by same author is allowed
- Engines with same kind of evalfiles are not allowed, exc.
In case, via Candidate CS: the qualified player will be in..
- Unknown SF-based evalfiles are not allowed..for reference,
Simply will be used:

And here are Candidate (Large Size) CS I's results:
Congratulations to all, who managed to qualify...!

nn-31337bea577c.nnue: Corchess 040824 is the qualified player!

And as we see,
The latest Corchess ver. fully deserves to be in...right ?

Code: Select all

1   Corchess 040824   126.0 - 124.0127.5 - 122.5**   253.5/500
2   Stockfish 030824  124.0 - 126.0126.0 - 124.0 **  250.0/500
3   SF-PB 230724      122.5 - 127.5124.0 - 126.0  ** 246.5/500

nn-ddcfb9224cdb.nnue: Kookaburra 3 is the qualified player!

Here I admit that Kookaburra's performance is unbelievable!!
Sure I wonder too what kind of 'secrets' include Kokoburra?

Note also that
I checked several times regarding 1 Core etc. used or not...!
And be sure all of entries are played under same conditions..

Code: Select all

1   Kookaburra 3     +39/-17/=444 52.20%  261.0/500
2   Killfish 280624  +17/-39/=444 47.80%  239.0/500

nn-baff1edbea57.nnue: ShashChess 35.3 is the qualified player!

Code: Select all

1   ShashChess 35.3  +8/-6/=186 50.50%  101.0/200
2   Brainlearn 28.1  +6/-8/=186 49.50%   99.0/200

CSTal vs Rebel: CSTal 2.0.0 is the qualified player!

Code: Select all

1   CSTal 2.0.0  +28/-10/=162 54.50%  109.0/200
2   Rebel 16.3   +10/-28/=162 45.50%   91.0/200
GAMES: ... x2mfCBob7U

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (07.08.2024):
Well, NN Large Size (61 MB+) CS organized players are picked
As far as possible 3700+ Elo e.g Minic 3.41 is tested too, but out due to
It's much weaker than current players..yes, Kookaburra is performed as
Real 'BEAST'' under these conditions! Unstoppable at least for nowadays!
And exception that managed as Number One again..besides, eliminated
Other very strong opponent (Killfish) during the Candidates CS, moreover
Kookaburra 3 is not so so new release.and it seems powerful moves may
Appear by older engines too, 2nd place: Stockfish dev..nice, where 3rd:
Marauders.. not bad as well..On other hand, after checking current stats,
It's clear all stable.. no any game to be lost on time in short, just great..
Btw, you may notice or not Small Size CS's Draws are 55% Medium: 65%
Large Size CS: same that means Unique suite is more Drawish
Via Larger + Stronger NN data.. but I'm satisfied..and I assume you too?
Ok friends that's all for now, many thanks and congrats to all Eng Authors!

NN Large Size I's Champion: Kookaburra 3 - My Congratulations to Dorzs!
Note: exactly same Kookaburra vers managed to be Champ in older tours!

For FINAL / FULL Standings: ... -size-cs-1


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