Sedat Canbaz

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Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »



Code: Select all

Opening Book    Book Author  
Adrian Oliva    Angel Morano
Adrio           Ian Hunavich  
AsRock          Ian Hunavich 
Best            Cevdet Sarı  
Bronco          Anton Ces    
Bullet SBT      Skynet (Aleks)
DON             Vasid Chouhan  
Everest         Ivan Alekseev
Flavo           Tanick Ramz  
Hazel           Nate  
HCan            Hamdullah Can  
HCanFree        Hamdullah Can  
Leschats        Jorge Centelles
MegaTron        Tanick Ramz  
MoonBaseAlpha   BuBs
ORIONPAX        Roger Constantinesco  
Pampa           Angel Morano   
Pyramid         Angel Morano 
SENTINEL        Roger Constantinesco   
Unicornio       Angel Morano
Varied          Hamdullah Can
More Details:
All above books are non-my work, released mainly in 2024
My work, which are based on theirs high-rated eng games
In other words, main target is that (via including them)
Simply to stress and test vs latest TREND opening books
Otherwise, only TREND lines sounds good, but not enough..
Now is more clear, which are strongest in overall lines!
Btw SPCC is out, as reason..includes many weak openings,
E.g these lines play as soft touch (for some opponents..)
You know, the target is to make cond. harder (not easier)

And please stay tuned,
Very soon a newer DON 190524 book vers. is coming!
Other strong players: Flavo, Varied are entered too!
And let's see what will be the next new standings...?!


Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Update 2

A new Dara 200524 is entered too (by Mrs. Afifah Alisyadara)

And soon as possible, I hope to test it as well...

Good luck,
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (20.05.2024):
Via this update, the standings slightly changed again.. where unfortunately
HCan lost the lead ..but still very know, even to be 2nd is great!
And yes, the new Leading opening book: DON 190524...and no doubt that
Vasid Chouhan is man who knows how to be Number One..and he proved
Not once not twice..many times! actually as same words are going for many
Other authors too and I'm not going to count all but Biyuya, ConRog, HCan
Are definitely one of them, sure I admit also that we have other great talents
As well.e.g some of them is Dara's, MegoTron's authors... as you may see,
They are one of the Top ranks! plus we should not forget to mention Cevdet,
M. Goi, Hurnavich, J. Centelles, A. Ces, Skynet etc they are one of best too!
Sure there are other talents, who create very strong books, but no free time
To count all...e.g many of them are not active (in book making) nowadays..
Btw, (for anyone interested) here is participant list of current Book Players: ... ayers-2024

Private Book Champion: DON 190524 - Congratulations to Vasid Chouhan!
Public Book Champion Adrian Oliva - Congratulations to Angel Morano too!

For Latest Ranking: ... nnue-cs-30

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Hello Chess Friends,

1st of all,
Let Me start please with this new saying:
The more I learn about Top NNUE engines,
The more I see Top similarity each other!

To be more clear,
Similarity tools are not so dead, but even rather I would say
The ORIGINALITY is almost dead when it comes to NNUE!

But I admit too we have many programmers who are honest
And do not hide from where come theirs eng origins...right?
What about all others programmers? if still not so clear:
All these strong ideas are came directly from MARS or ?) and
How many of the created engines are started from scratch?)
For these reasons, I like the authors of SF-based engines too!
If nothing else these authors are fair...and give Me one reason
To not test Raubfish or RapTora or Fat Fritz...since these engines
Suit to the current used rules (up to 70% in similarity is allowed..)

Meanwhile, you can download the latest SIMEX2's Test Results, ... 47KYuYaqd8
Where I assume you'll see and know about what is going on..

And here are the latest played results (main target 3600+): ... nnue-cs-50

The Champion is again Stockfish 16.1- Congratulations to Stockfish Team!
Strange..latest SF dev. performed worse, normally newer should be better..

And a few more words about original Top chess engines,
Before NNUE, the similarity was mainly up to 40%-50%,
Where sounds perfectly fine to Me, not sure about you?
But nowadays, these numbers are increased av. 60%-70%
Sure I refer about using 100ms and 1 core but if using
Slower TC + more cores then similarity is much higher!
Besides I refer also about such Top engines, which are
Considering ORIGINAL (by the vast majority of people)!

Btw, if we are not going to use the Similarities tools,
Then I wonder: who are best experts in recognizing the
originality of the engines? because I see many testers,
Who refuse to test many of the available engines, very
likely such as in their eyes: they are non-original,
Where theirs tested engines are as original work, sure
This a long story, anyhow as last words, I can say over:
Trust, but verify!

Because for less double standards:
I'm doing my best to prefer that way!

Hope helps and have a nice weekend )

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (26.05.2024):
Via current update, only one book is entered: OPTIMUS 2405... it's a new
Version, released recently...anyhow, I can say that very good performance,
Since OPTIMUS series are free plus publicly available since a long time.. !

For Latest Standings: ... nnue-cs-30

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (29.05.2024):
Via latest update, 4 books entered, where LesChats is performed very well !
Rest 3 ones are own books, especially both (Rebel and Arasan) performed
Not so bad..about Marvin usual suffers, it seems not tuned so well
On other hand, I wonder much: who will manage to stop DON ?) it seems
Not so easy as it looks, sure after all ..about all this mystery..TIME will tell..

For Latest Standings: ... nnue-cs-30

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Hello There )

As usual, I am pleased to announce that
Just another new special CS is started..

As Participants,
The current Top 8 high-rated books of B/N CS XXX!
Any opening book will contain minimum 280 games
Meanwhile( If Leading players will have equal points),
Tie-break matches will be played for Champion title

What is New,
MP, Ponder ON, Brainlearn 27 AVX2 (compiled by OrgZ) and
Why not newer ver is used? as reason no much Elo progress
Since many months..even I can say newer SF dev are weaker!
You know, not always newer are better....proved many times

2x Epyc 7B12, CuteChess, 4 Core/Game, Ponder ON, 1m+06s, 128 MB Hash, 4-MEN
Cutechess GUI's Concurrent option is configurated to be played: 11 (eleven) games

More Details (for better and for more fair conditions),
On 2x Epyc 7B12 machine installed 256 GB Ram, SMT(HT) + LP disabled
As you may see on picture, NPS values are not so high..but note also
That higher NPS values (if SMT is ON) do not mean better (in chess)!
E.g according to my benchmark tests, mostly engines perform better
When SMT (Hyper Threading) is disabled, plus more stable for sure!
And to be more clear, we should not mix the apples with oranges!
Why I say like that? many people say instead of Logical Threads as Cores (
But in reality is this true? not of course... besides many advice to be used
Many threads (per engine) but they forget also just in case FUN is dead (
Sure they can be right..but very likely their used openings are so weak
Or their hardwares are not stable or not so fast.. maybe that's why they
Produce more wins..otherwise..with optimal cond. forget to see FUN!
Btw, there are also such guys who underestimate Bullet TC etc...but
Just in case e.g with Slower TC...then again FUN is going to be dead..!
Actually as we see here..even with Bullet TC, the FUN is almost dead...
In other words,
I like this way, we may gain..but however there is one true:
Practice and Theory are two different things too.. for this, I suggest to
Create a good own rating...just running not enough games..means nothing!
Especially if our goal is to determine the real strength of any book/engine!

Ok.. and here are the 1st played results (LIVE RANKING) and Good Luck )


And please stay tuned...very soon new result update..

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


And again and again very interesting:
3 Leading Books: DON, HCAN, ORIONPAX - Congratulations..!

As we see here, under these test cond. is not so easy to
Determine which Top opening book is Best of the Best ?!
In same time that means, these books are super strong,
Which contain less holes for sure... in other words,
Theirs target is simply to gain points/ to be on Top !!

Soon there will be TIE-BREAK matches (min 40 games per player)
And if still their points will be equal..then extra 40 games...sure
After all...I am very excited ...I assume you too...?) Good Luck )

Code: Select all

Rank Name             Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 HCan 160524     3822    2    3   280   50%  3820   99% 
   2 ORIONPAX 2405   3822    2    3   280   50%  3820   99% 
   3 DON 190524      3822    2    3   280   50%  3820   99% 

   4 Unicarnio Upd2  3820    3    3   280   50%  3820   99% 
   5 Pyramid 280324  3820    3    3   280   50%  3820   99% 
   6 Adrian Oliva    3819    3    3   280   50%  3820   99% 
   7 Varied-24       3818    3    2   280   50%  3820   99% 
   8 Dara 200524     3818    3    2   280   49%  3820   98% 

Note: The Draw Ratio (based on 1120 games) is very high: 99%
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (05.06.2024):
Just another special CS is organized with Top 8 high-rated of BN XXX
And the Winner is HCAN...really amazing performance! but I admit too
The rest players performed so well! Note that all games will be shared
After the end of BN XXX tour, thanks for your understanding, exception
The Book Authors may get their played games (sure in case of request)

B/N XXXa Champion: HCAN - My Congratulations to Hamdullah Can!

By the way,
Here are the TIE-BREAK results, where HCAN managed to be NUMBER ONE:

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 HCan 160524                     9      17      40   51.2%   97.5% 
   2 ORIONPAX 2405                   0       0      40   50.0%  100.0% 
   3 DON 190524                     -9      17      40   48.8%   97.5% 

60 of 60 games finished.

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Another new tour idea is born, same cond. (MP+PONDER ON etc.)
Exc. this time all Top 8 high-rated books via Raubfish X40c3 SC

And here are the 1st played results, where HCAN leads again !

Ok..let's see what will be influences (after more games...)
Who knows ? perhaps in this new active championship:
DARA or ADRIAN OLIVA or any other would be Winner ?!

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