Very interesting...for right now we have two Leading Top Engines:
SFNNv6 16.1+ SFS 130424 - Congrats to Joachim26, Eduard Nemeth!
Code: Select all
Rank Name Elo +/- Games Score Draw
1 SFNNv6 16.1 6 7 483 50.9% 95.2%
2 SFS 130424 6 6 482 50.8% 95.9%
3 Aoda 1.70 4 6 484 50.6% 96.7%
4 Big-SF 110324 3 5 482 50.4% 97.5%
5 Killfish 190324 2 6 480 50.3% 96.0%
6 Marauders 3 2 5 481 50.3% 97.3%
7 SF-PB 220324 2 6 485 50.3% 96.1%
8 TacticaLGear 3 1 5 482 50.2% 97.5%
9 CoolIris 12 D3072 1 6 480 50.1% 96.0%
10 ShashChess 35.1 1 5 484 50.1% 96.9%
11 Stockfish 130424 0 6 481 50.0% 96.3%
12 Corchess 120424 -1 6 482 49.9% 96.5%
13 Incognito 8.2 -1 7 481 49.8% 94.2%
14 Brainlearn 28 -1 5 481 49.8% 97.1%
15 JigSaw v5.2 -2 6 482 49.7% 95.6%
16 Raid 3.6 TR -2 8 479 49.7% 93.9%
17 SFNN v9.5.3 -3 7 482 49.6% 94.6%
18 Crystal 8 -18 9 479 47.4% 91.9%
I need to take some rest ) but later I will share final standings...