Sedat Canbaz

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (28.10.2023):
1st of all, congrats to all authors, who managed to qualify in Super League tour!
BrainLearn BranLearn BrainLearn and again and again managed to be Champion!
What does it mean? is this all luck? not of doubt that one of best..!!
If still not so clear...available plus free...that means a least in my eyes..!!
And this is not via comments, papers etc. but with real facts..sure same words
Are going for many other rest Top engines as well..and this is also true that any
Engine performance depends on used cond. hardware, openings, opponents etc.
Note also that all entries are started to play as without any pre-learrned exp files,
Because some learning engines suffer.. in case of switching from Bullet to Blitz..
But however, as usual their learning functions are enabled (in game play-mode)

The Champion: BrainLearn 26 - Congrats to K. Kiniama, A. Manzo, SF team!

For Latest Standings: ... n-42-super

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (29.10.2023):
Both championship leagues ended.... Congrats and many thanks to all authors!
Via both recent Leagues (in latest 3-4 days) 48390 SCCT games are produced!
And 68 engine players tested...and if we are going to compare with NON-SCCT
Stats.. very likely highest number tours data (per single tester) belongs to SCCT!
Btw, if we add book tour stats too...then I can't see any competitor in testings !)
And this is not as joke, I'm very be 100% sure we need a good tool!
But there is one true:
Without all of you, these unbelievable records would not exist too... thank you!

2nd League Champion Corchess - My Congratulations to I. Ivec, SF team!

2nd League's Final Rankings: ... t-nn-cs-42

Games: ... DtFXET3Tko

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Update (mainly for Super League):

Why I realized both Leagues to be over for several reasons: 1st. it's clear that
New entries have no BIG chances to perform better than those opponents, which
Are already playing via pre-learned EXP files.. 2nd. no much Improvements, here
Very likely the learned EXP files played some role over NON-Learning engines
On other hand, the engine 'Learning' is nothing bad at all.. .at least, in critical,
Weak opening positions, the EXP files may play as important influences / role...
Otherwise, I hardly doubt that about these beasts learning engines would gain
Better points than the ones, which are not capable to learn in game play mode
3rd. giving 5m+1s is too much for running under these takes too much
Time, 2m+1s seems to be better..especially if no Elo progress in latest months..
Anyhow, this time BranLearn 26 is said the last word...2nd is Raid 2.73, where
3rd rank belongs to the latest entries: Tactical and DarkSister..very good really..
Ok.. that's all for now.. and I hope to see all of you plus new incıomers as well!

Super League's Champion: BrainLearn 26 - Congrats to K. Kiniama, A. Manzo, SF team!

Super League's Final Rankings: ... n-42-super

Games: ... DtFXET3Tko

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (01.11.2023):
Another new CS series, where this time the target will be to test mainly more
New 3700+ engines, sure depending on my free time I may test some oldies..
The tour is active...very soon more updates..Btw, no pre-learned exp is used

Leaders: AWOL+DarkSisTer - Congratulations to T.Ramz, A.Ces, SF team!

For Latest Standings: ... t-nn-cs-44

Greetings )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Meanwhile, a small note:
AWOL Z11 is a new version, which is capable to learn,
Where the previous (AWOL Z10) was not able to learn...
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »


Via latest entries, standings changed where Tactical managed to take the lead..!!
Meanwhile, any known author, who is interested...can submit his new engine..
And just in case of interest..please do not be too late...thank you in advance

The Current Leader Tactical 281023 - My Congratulations to Anton Ces, SF team!

For Latest Rankings: ... t-nn-cs-44

More Details
• Mostly of NNUE engines are AVX2 and tested via theirs default Evalfiles
• All engine matches are played via CuteChess GUI concurrent games 64
• Sure where possible: all of engines are played via move overhead: 100
• In this new active Championship: max. up to 76% (in similarity) allowed
• All of matches are played via new Unique suite (based on 372 openings)
For more fair conditions, each of used opening line is repeated as twice
• Current overall draw percentage (based on 6000 games) is normal: 89%
Btw, via weaker openings I may reduce even less than 50%...just in case
Then we will need many thousands of games (per player), otherwise Elo
Error margin can be high..simply will be as lottery to see which is stronger
• Each participant will contain min. 750 games... but the high-rated 1000+
• Any Engine Leader after 1000 games (per player) will be titled Champion
• As usually, all the played games will be available after the end of tourney

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

One thing more, with very low draw perc. no way to see wins by both sides
E.g via Unique openings, each line includes wins by White + Black of 3700+

Btw, if not today, tomorrow will be clear the 1st Champion...

Good luck to all )
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (02.11.2023):
Via latest 6 (six) engine's time to announce who are first Champions:
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have two Champs...interesting.. rarely happens two..
Yes.. their learning is so effective that non-learning engines are hopeless under
These cond..e.g all Top 5 ranked engines are able to learn... so picture is clear!
And very likely after playing more games, their Elo difference may be increased..
About current win. percentage stats, Whites: 55%, Blacks quite normal..
Frankly stats are important..and not all of opening suites produce these values!

Champions: SunLight / Tactical - Congrats to E. Nemeth, A. Ces and SF team!

For Latest Standings: ... t-nn-cs-44

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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Anton101 »

Many, many thanks for the tour and a really good and great director...SpecTral 5.50 is fixed now, some issues with the last update that I sent you...In three weeks I'll release the last Tactical and last Cool Iris, I'll be focus only in Dark SisTer and SpecTral, I'm planning both engines as bots for lichess.

I'm planning just release Crystal tactical, gonna be easy just adding tactic settings without learning file or bin book entries, just for analysis and eng vs eng matches.

In three weeks...

Best regards Mr. Sedat you are the really champ!
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Re: Sedat Canbaz

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

Breaking News (03.11.2023):
Current championship ended..congratulations and many thanks to all authors!
Via latest entry..the standings are changed exc.for Tactical, Leading as before..
In same time managed to be win the current CS.. really amazing performance!
2nd rank belongs to two engines: DarkSister+SunLight, 3rd to new Raid version
Normally the plan was to work a little bit more over this tour...but I think that it's
Not required..because latest entries are starting as without any pre-learned exp..
Where constant Top players are already playing with own pre-learned exp files!
In other words, not so fair... e.g in Gauntlet: if the entry is learning engine then
Its learning is not so effective..due to matches are playing at high concurrency..
For solving all these issues (for more fair and better conditions) I have to run all
These CS in Round Robin systems...and organizing via two separate contests..
Learning / NON-Learning League, sure in NON-Learning tour, Gauntlet can be
Btw, as I stated before, Learning is very affective with weak positions and after
Serious number of games plus with small number of under these
Cond. Unique suite contains not so weak close to 400 openings, so
Here Learning seems to be as advantage, but not so much...and who knows?
Maybe after 5.000 - 10.000 games (per player) the learning will play more role?
Anyhow, even about 1.000 games the learning helps, sure not much but helps!

XLIV's Champion: Tactical 281023 - Congratulations to Anton Ces, SF Team!

FOR FINAL STANDINGS: ... t-nn-cs-44

GAMES: ... P59jXJkMC4

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